Sunday, February 13, 2011

Neo Arcadia 25 Id's Pokemon

This episode features special guest Id and is all about the pokemon. As well has a special rant on breaking game systems.


Pokemon anime/games

Banned Pokemon broken systems.


Download mp3

1 comment:

  1. My first broken console was my original fake bootleg Mega Drive 2.
    First the cartridge port died. Cleaned it. It worked. Next week my AV cable stopped working... OK so bought another one from some strange bootleg console market. I was happy! Popped in Sonic 3D Blast and 5 seconds ino the game and the damn AC adaptor dies... I found out that that's the problem when I bought a GameGear back in November. I tried using the AC instead of batteries and I learned that the AC is dead. So now when I get to Sofia I'm buying another AC.

    Once I was playing my SP when someone smashed the door and I jumped and guess what happened to my SP? The screen broke... in the shape of a stretched batman logo... that was weird...

    Then my PS2 fat's laser lens dies and the tray didn't wanna open so I had to take that thing apart so I can get my copy of Vexx out of it.

    My DS fat... I dropped it... a lot... I can't explain how bas it's damaged so I'll send you a picture!
    C ya Neo Arcadia!
